If you have a social media strategy, you already know that not always the original links of your site or blog can be used in their entirety.
As much as your URLs are well structured and semantic , there Jewelry Retouching Service is the space factor. Also, there are other cases where using a URL shortener makes a lot of sense as well.
In those hours; what tool do you use? Jewelry Retouching Service If you still do not know or you have tried several and do not know which one to decide on, you will like this article.
We are going to analyze the pros and cons of the best-known options on the market. This will help you decide quickly and accurately.
Are you ready? So let's get started!
Why know the different existing shorteners?
Basically because the end is near!
What kind of apocalyptic promise is that? Well, if you think that you don't have to worry about any tool because you already use the famous Grtener, you should prepare yourself.
The company has already announced that it will discontinue the tool in 2019. The good news is that with the alternatives shown here, you won't even notice.
And if you never used the Google resource, you will not feel or want to know it.
Meet the 10 best URL shorteners
We've broken down 10 of the best URL shorteners on Jewelry Retouching Service the market and are going to show you a pros and cons analysis of each option.
At the end of this article, you will be able to choose the shortener that best suits your needs.
And if you feel that several of them solve your problem satisfactorily, do a quick test and see which one has the best user experience, both for you and for the other people who work with you.